Friday, February 11, 2011

changes...lame as they are.

This year has started with a couple of changes in my life. The first and the biggest is that I am now attending Armstrong High School and have pretty darn good grades (if I do say so myself). In the time between posts on this here blog, I have turned 15 and am now eligible to get my permit, which I actually am not chomping at the bit to get. Only because I have seen what my brother had to endure to get his licence and let me tell you it didn't look like it was very much fun.
At Armstrong, I seem to be getting a education on drugs and the distribution and consumption of said drugs, albeit I am not taking part in either! I am involuntarily witnessing drug exchanges and just today there was a code yellow lock down during third period, so that they could bring in drug dogs to do locker searches, sounds like fun, I know. I am amazed at the level of immaturity I see at school and I pity all the teachers and think that they deserve pay raises for all the crap that they endure day in and day out. Because I must say I rejoice when the weekend finally comes and I don't have to be near the very annoying people I interact with on a daily basis. And let me tell you there are a lot of immature people, some of which include people I know do drugs. Like the kid with a locker in close proximity to mine. Every time he opens it after sixth period I get a whiff of something like cigarette smoke with a hint of pot.  I digress...
That's pretty much the skinny on my current existence with a few details left out for later.
Thanks for reading,

Monday, December 7, 2009


Hello, it's been a while. Lately i've been busy and time has flown. Were rolling into the Christmas season already. We had an awesome Thanksgiving at our house and we ate tons of turkey and stuffing and pie! So I just came across a hilarious blog/website of cake disasters and let me tell you I was laughing so hard my stomach started hurting. This lady also has a book and it has cake disasters all throughout the book. Her commentary is the icing on the cake  the best, check it out, I promise you won't be dissapointed!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Hi everybody, a couple of days ago I heard of a lady from our home school coop had cancer. Her daughter gave me a list of prayer requests and details. The family is the Mills family and they would love your support and prayer.
Mrs. Mills has non-hodgkin Lymphoma, it's slow-growing and is in stage 2
The cancer is located in the lymph nodes and it's not curable but very treatable.
in a week or so most likely getting treated with radiation at Methodist Hospital.
Here are prayer requests:
-that she feels good
-that radiation treatment in abdomen/groin area works
-that she goes into "remission" for a long time
-and recover from surgery in general.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

New title and URL...AGAIN...

Hey guys, yes once again I changed my title and URL, I was getting tired of it. So I changed it to:
my life, as it happens. The new URL is kind of weird,
if you noticed happens only has one p, not two.

Micheal W Smith Concert!!

Hey guys, on the third I went to the MWS concert and it was sooooooooooooooo much fun!!!! My mom sang in the thousand voice choir and they were great. You can hear two songs they sang here. Phil Stacey and Matthew West were in my opinion the best part. They sang all of my favorite songs that they sing. I went with my dad and he also had a great time. We ate popcorn and he had nachos. Here are some good pictures that my mom took. I will never forget this night. I was so fun!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

1 year!

I just figured out that I've been blogging for a year, i mean if you consider 1 most once a month, maybe....then yes I've been blogging for a year.

1 year blogger,

Gone in a flash...

Wow summer FLEW by! It's really cold out right now and I'm wearing pants long sleeves, sweatshirt, sock AND slippers!!!! I wish summer lasted all year. School has been under way for a few weeks now and if you didn't know I'm being home schooled. Summer was gone in a flash. Have you ever noticed that when you get older things go by quicker? When I was younger i thought summer lasted, not so much. I need to continue on with my homework for the day so I can go to youth group tonight.

signed, a very cold,